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So far Pam Treece has created 2078 blog entries.

Homeownership Wins Over Time [INFOGRAPHIC]

By |2022-11-04T03:00:28-07:00November 4th, 2022|Categories: First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Housing Market Updates, Infographics, Move-Up Buyers, Real Estate|

Some Highlights If you’re questioning whether or not to buy a home this year due to today’s cooling market, consider the long-term financial benefits of homeownership. As a homeowner, equity increases your wealth. On average, nationwide, home prices appreciated by 2% since 1991. Homeownership wins in the long run. If you’re ready to buy a [...]

Do You Believe Homeownership Is Out of Reach? Maybe It Doesn’t Have To Be.

By |2022-11-03T03:00:44-07:00November 3rd, 2022|Categories: Demographics, First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Gen Z, Millennials, Move-Up Buyers, Real Estate|

It turns out, millennials aren’t the renter generation after all. The 2022 Consumer Insights Report from Mynd says there’s a portion of millennial and Gen Z buyers who are pursuing homeownership as a way to build their wealth, but it may not be exactly the way previous generations have done it. The study explains how [...]

3 Trends That Are Good News for Today’s Homebuyers

By |2022-11-01T03:00:01-07:00November 1st, 2022|Categories: First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Housing Market Updates, Move-Up Buyers, Real Estate|

While higher mortgage rates are creating affordability challenges for homebuyers this year, there is some good news for those people still looking to buy a home. As the market has cooled this year, some of the intensity buyers faced during the peak frenzy of the pandemic has cooled too. Here are just a few trends [...]

Taking the Fear out of Saving for a Home

By |2022-10-31T03:00:29-07:00October 31st, 2022|Categories: Buying Myths, Down Payments, First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Move-Up Buyers, Real Estate|

If you’re planning to buy a home, knowing what to budget for and how to save may sound scary at first. But it doesn’t have to be. One way to take the fear out of budgeting is understanding some of the costs you might encounter.  And to do that, turn to trusted real estate professionals. [...]

Applying for a Mortgage Doesn’t Have To Be Scary [INFOGRAPHIC]

By |2022-10-28T03:00:21-07:00October 28th, 2022|Categories: First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Infographics, Move-Up Buyers, Real Estate|

Some Highlights Even with higher mortgage rates, the mortgage process doesn’t need to be something you fear. Here are some steps to help as you set out to buy a home. Know your credit score and work to build strong credit. When you’re ready, lean on the pros and connect with a lender so you [...]

Millennials Are Still a Driving Force of Today’s Buyer Demand

By |2022-10-27T03:00:42-07:00October 27th, 2022|Categories: Demographics, For Sellers, Housing Market Updates, Millennials, Real Estate|

If you’re thinking about selling your house but wondering if buyers are still out there, know that there are still people who are searching for a home to buy today. And your house may be exactly what they’re looking for. While the millennial generation has been dubbed the renter generation, that namesake may not be [...]

3 Graphs Showing Why Today’s Housing Market Isn’t Like 2008

By |2022-10-26T03:00:59-07:00October 26th, 2022|Categories: For Buyers, For Sellers, Foreclosures, Housing Market Updates, Pricing, Real Estate|

With all the headlines and talk in the media about the shift in the housing market, you might be thinking this is a housing bubble. It’s only natural for those thoughts to creep in that make you think it could be a repeat of what took place in 2008. But the good news is, there’s [...]

Pre-Approval Is a Critical First Step on Your Homebuying Journey

By |2022-10-24T03:00:29-07:00October 24th, 2022|Categories: First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Move-Up Buyers, Real Estate|

If you’re planning to buy a home this year, one of the first steps on your journey is getting pre-approved. Especially in today’s market when mortgage rates are higher than they were just a few months ago, getting a mortgage pre-approval can be a game changer. Here’s why. What Is Pre-Approval? To better understand why [...]

3 Questions You May Be Asking About Selling Your House Today [INFOGRAPHIC]

By |2022-10-21T03:00:06-07:00October 21st, 2022|Categories: For Sellers, Housing Market Updates, Infographics, Real Estate|

Some Highlights If you’re planning to sell your house this year, you likely have questions about what the shift in the housing market means for your home sale. You might be wondering: Should I wait to sell? Are buyers still out there? And can I afford to buy my next home? Let’s connect so you [...]