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Should I Buy Now or Wait? [INFOGRAPHIC]

By |2021-04-30T03:00:26-07:00April 30th, 2021|Categories: Buying Myths, First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Infographics, Interest Rates, Move-Up Buyers, Pricing, Real Estate|

Some Highlights If you’re thinking that waiting a year or two to purchase a home might mean you’ll save some money, think again. Mortgage interest rates are currently very low, but experts across the board are forecasting increases in both home prices and interest rates. Buying a home now means you’ll spend less in the [...]

Patience Is the Key to Buying a Home This Year

By |2021-04-28T03:00:31-07:00April 28th, 2021|Categories: Buying Myths, First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Housing Market Updates, Move-Up Buyers, New Construction, Real Estate|

The question many homebuyers are facing this year is, “Why is it so hard to find a house?” We’re in the ultimate sellers’ market, which means real estate is ultra-competitive for buyers right now. The National Association of Realtors (NAR) notes homes are getting an average of 4.8 offers per sale, and that number keeps [...]

How Much Time Do You Need To Save for a Down Payment?

By |2021-04-19T03:00:22-07:00April 19th, 2021|Categories: Buying Myths, Down Payments, First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Real Estate|

One of the biggest hurdles homebuyers face is saving for a down payment. As you’re budgeting and planning for your home purchase, you’ll want to understand how much you’ll need to put down and how long it will take you to get there. The process may actually move faster than you think. Using data from [...]

2021 Real Estate Myth Buster [INFOGRAPHIC]

By |2021-03-26T03:00:33-07:00March 26th, 2021|Categories: Buying Myths, For Buyers, For Sellers, Housing Market Updates, Infographics, Pricing, Real Estate, Selling Myths|

Some Highlights There are a lot of misconceptions about buying or selling a home today, making it challenging to know exactly how to navigate the current real estate landscape. Here’s a little clarity when it comes to 5 common myths about the 2021 housing market. Let’s connect to discuss your needs and so you can [...]

Why You Should Think About Listing Prices Like an Auction’s Reserve Price

By |2021-03-24T03:00:40-07:00March 24th, 2021|Categories: Buying Myths, First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Housing Market Updates, Move-Up Buyers, Pricing, Real Estate|

For generations, the homebuying process never really changed. The seller would try to estimate the market value of the home and tack on a little extra to give themselves some negotiating room. That figure would become the listing price of the house. Buyers would then try to determine how much less than the full price [...]

What Credit Score Do You Need for a Mortgage?

By |2021-03-22T03:00:40-07:00March 22nd, 2021|Categories: Buying Myths, First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Move-Up Buyers, Real Estate|

According to data from the most recent Origination Insight Report by Ellie Mae, the average FICO® score on closed loans reached 753 in February. As lending standards have tightened recently, many are concerned over whether or not their credit score is strong enough to qualify for a mortgage. While stricter lending standards could be a challenge for [...]

How Upset Should You Be about 3% Mortgage Rates?

By |2021-03-09T04:00:12-07:00March 9th, 2021|Categories: Buying Myths, First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Housing Market Updates, Interest Rates, Move-Up Buyers, Real Estate|

Last Thursday, Freddie Mac announced that their 30-year fixed mortgage rate was over 3% (3.02%) for the first time since last July. That news dominated real estate headlines that day and the next. Articles talked about the “negative impact” it may have on the housing market. However, we should realize two things: 1. The bump-up [...]

How Smart Is It to Buy a Home Today?

By |2021-03-03T04:00:07-07:00March 3rd, 2021|Categories: Buying Myths, Down Payments, First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Interest Rates, Move-Up Buyers, Pricing, Real Estate|

Whether you’re buying your first home or selling your current house, if your needs are changing and you think you need to move, the decision can be complicated. You may have to take personal or professional considerations into account, and only you can judge what impact those factors should have on your desire to move. [...]

What Are the Benefits of a 20% Down Payment?

By |2021-03-01T04:00:11-07:00March 1st, 2021|Categories: Buying Myths, Down Payments, First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Move-Up Buyers, Real Estate|

If you’re thinking of buying a home this year, you may be wondering how much money you need to come up with for your down payment. Many people may think it’s 20% of the loan to secure a mortgage. While there are plenty of lower down payment options available for qualified buyers who don’t want [...]

Are There Going to Be More Homes to Buy This Year?

By |2021-02-25T04:00:36-07:00February 25th, 2021|Categories: Buying Myths, Distressed Properties, First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, For Sellers, Foreclosures, Housing Market Updates, Move-Up Buyers, New Construction, Real Estate, Selling Myths|

If you’re looking for a home to purchase right now and having trouble finding one, you’re not alone. At a time like this when there are so few houses for sale, it’s normal to wonder if you’ll actually find one to buy. According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), across the country, inventory of [...]